
In this page you will get to know Ada Lovelace a little more by learning why she is so important and her accomplishments.


Event Age Year
Ada Lovelace wrote the world's earliest algorithm for the 'Analytical Engine', which allowed the machine to calculate 'Bernoulli numbers'. 17 1842
Ada Lovelace published and became the first computer programmer in the world. 18 1843
The World's 1st Computer Algorithm,made by Ada Lovelace 12 1815

  • Ada Lovelace discovered that a computer could follow a sequence of instructions—that is, a program. 12-year-old Ada, who is especially interested in mechanics, wants to invent a flying machine - unfortunately, with no success. But the love for machines is the foundation of Ada Lovelace's later friendship with mathematician Charles Babbage, whom she meets at a reception when she is 17.In 1843, Ada Lovelace became the first person to publish what we would now call a computer program, a set of instructions to calculate Bernoulli's Numbers, written for Charles Babbage's unbuilt Analytical Engine.